Have you ever gotten so accustomed to the price of something that when it increased, you changed to a different item or a different place to purchase it?
Maybe you even continued to buy it because you liked the store and the item so much that, no matter what, you would remain loyal.
When it comes to the price of major necessities, like toothpaste, bathroom tissue or gasoline, it seems that we have to either go with the flow and buy where it's more convenient, shop around for a better price or change our method of transport, opting for mass transit or carpooling. This Houston, Texas Shell gas station raised its prices well in anticipation of the gas price hike. It was raised so early, in fact, that two blocks down on the same street, a Chevron station still posted prices of $3.09 for regular and $3.19 for Premium.
At what point would you change your method of transport or the way in which you travel in order to adapt to the change in prices? Would you wait until prices hit $4.00 per gallon, or did you already make changes? What is your threshold?